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Elite Body Contouring Conway

Banish Ugly Chin & Neck Fat. For both Men & Women

We understand that fat around the neck and underneath the chin, can make you feel extremely self conscious. Our clients tell us that this is the best decision that they ever made to improve their self-esteem. Many people suffer needlessly for years because they thought their only option was a surgical, Invasive procedure, that comes with pain, recovery time and potential side effects. You now have a much safer more reasonable alternative, Warm LED technology. Because neck and chin fat respond so quickly to our Warm LED technology, it makes it the ideal choice for removing neck and chin fat. It is a completely non-invasive, painless procedure, extremely effective for both men and women.

Tightens Skin as it Removes Fat

Not only can our Warm LED technology remove the unsightly fat from your chin and neck, but it can also add new collagen and elasticity to your skin. This combination of fat loss and skin tightening can result in a more youthful appearance. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and lighten scars or dark spots on your neck. Our clients say it makes them feel 10 years younger. It can provide you with a new level of self confidence that can be life changing.

Tightens Skin as it Removes Fat


The Warm LED Experience

The Warm LED Experience

The Warm LED Chin Fat Reduction experience is similar to sitting under a heat lamp. There is no pain at all, just a warm feeling like you experience when you are laying on a beach soaking up the sun. The light is positioned within a few inches from your chin and neck area and never comes in contact with your skin. You will feel extremely relaxed, listening to your favorite music. Once your treatment is complete, you can immediately go out for a run or straight to the gym or just carry on with your normal daily activities.

Client Before & After Pictures

Precision 3D Photography Makes Results 100% Transparent

At Elite Body Contouring Southaven, we utilize 3D digital with the highest level of precision in the Industry to make our results 100% transparent to our clients. Prior to the start of each session we utilize a state of the art Vectra 3D Camera to take a 3D photo of your face and neck. Once your treatment session is complete, we will take another 3D photo and the Vectra precision imaging software will overlay your before and after pictures to show you exactly how much fat was removed. You will also receive a detailed emailed report showing your progress across each session and across every session along your journey.

For more information on our state of the art Vectra 3D Body Camera

Want to see how Warm LED can help you?

Schedule a FREE Consultation today

Free Private Consultation

Schedule a free private consultation today. You will sit down with our Warm LED specialist to discuss whether this treatment is ideal for you and what you would like to achieve. You will get to see our clinic, see the actual Warm LED machines, and our specialist will show you first-hand what the treatment will look and feel like. We are dedicated to providing each and every one of our clients with the results they desire. We won't commit to treat unless we are certain that the Warm LED treatments can get you to your goal.


Commonly Asked Questions

A warm light passes painlessly through the skin layer into the fat Layer. Here the fat cells respond by releasing the fat through its pores. It simulates the exact natural process your body uses to respond to diet and heavy exercise. Each treatment can produce results equivalent to an average of 2-3 weeks of diet and heavy exercise. It also stimulates the body to produce collagen and elastin. These are two proteins that keep the skin springy and youthful. So as it removes fat it can also tighten your skin and improves your skin’s appearance.

There is no pain, no discomfort, and there is no downtime. Most clients say it’s like relaxing in the sun and many doze off during treatment. You can immediately go for a run or to the gym. In fact, we encourage it! It can enhance your inches lost between treatments.

Our Warm LED technology is the most powerful and effective medical device for beautiful skin and can work on all skin and body types. Treatments have been shown to produce collagen and elastin fibers which benefit skin appearance, can result in younger, healthier looking and tighter skin. As fat is removed from your chin and neck, skin is simultaneously tightened which minimizes any hanging skin. We also perform treatments on the face which can remove age wrinkles and lines, making you feel 10 years younger.
Warm LED Technology is safer than any other body contouring technology on the market. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can safely have. There is no pain, no discomfort and no side effects.
No, our process does not kill or damage the fat cells. It merely empties the fat cells of their contents and your body naturally drains the fat as it does when you lose fat with heavy diet and exercise.
A balanced healthy diet will ensure that the fat you lose will never return. However, you can regain fat if you gain an unhealthy amount of weight. The good news is you can be retreated, as much as and as often as necessary to remove any fat gained post treatment with no ill effects. An occasional maintenance treatment is a great tool use when and if needed.
No. There are zero side effects with this treatment. This process is the only non-invasive method to remove fat from the your neck and chin with absolutely no side effects.
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